The goal of unbundled services and limited scope retainers
The unbundled legal services model allows cost-effective and affordable access to legal advice.
Limited scope retainers benefit clients who do not have the resources or do not wish to pay for the traditional full-service legal model. Further, they wish to retain control of their case and its progress. The client obtains legal advice, coaching and information as and when needed.
Services available under this model
Providing timely legal information and advice
Helping you navigate the process of separation and divorce
Assisting with organization of relevant information and presentation of a case
Ghost Writing – drafting correspondence and court material
Preparing financial statements, calculations (spousal support, child support and property division)
Strategizing with you on offers to settle, court attendances, negotiations, mediations
Making limited appearances in court at conferences
How it works
The client attends the lawyer’s office or sets up a virtual meeting to discuss their unique situation and the limited services the client wishes to purchase. The lawyer and the client then discuss either a fixed fee for the service or agree on a task to be performed by the lawyer without a specific fixed fee at the lawyer’s hourly rate.